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Catherine church Mechelen 3



The Parochial Gothic Catherine Church in mechelen is from the 14th century, with round windows and the weapons of Pope Nicholas V in the facade. Inside there is a richly carved wooden pulpit.

The foundation of the current church began in 1336 and the festive consecration had already taken place in 1343. The Catherine church escaped the Big City Fire in 1342. But Chapter are affected by the Sint-Rombouts Cathedral found temporary shelter in the newly built church.

The central aisle, the present Baptistery and the aisles date from the first construction period. The tower also dates from the 14th century. Beech Cross and Choir of the 15th century. The proceeds of the donations during the Anniversary of 1451 made the completion of Front and Beech as possible (The arms of Pope Nicholas V, who Anniversary instituted, remember this).

The Spanish Fury and the fight against Beggars focused much damage. During the Protestant Directors (1580-1585) The Church was even used as stables and storage. Much of the interior was lost.

After 1585 the church restored, and during the 17th and 18th centuries, it underwent further changes and building renovations. During the invasion of the French Several valuable paintings (ao Jordaens) Stolen.

In 1797, the Church as a national asset sold and only returned in 1804 reused as Church.

At the end of the 19th century the church underwent a thorough repair. Inter alia the windows high windows of the nave got back their original round shape.

Hope you like it, greetz lenZ
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Kevrekidis's avatar
Great shot & info!!!